Forward plugin

Automatically pushes new package versions to upstreams

The Forward plugin automatically pushes new package versions to upstreams.

Forward plugin settings

Forward plugin can be configured to disallow forwarding of development/pre-release packages to upstreams.

With the option Only forward released packages enabled, the plugin will only push packages that are considered release versions.

By default this settings option is disabled.

Determining release vs pre-release version

Release versions will be determined according to SemVer versioning.

The package version my-package-1.0.1 will be considered a release version, while my-package-1.0.1-9 will be considered a pre-release.

Use cases

Centralize credentials management

Instead of distributing the package maintainer access tokens to individual developers, credentials can be configured and stored centrally in Bytesafe. Developers publish to a Bytesafe registry and the registry automatically Forwards and publishes the package version for you.

graph BT
    A[Bytesafe registry]-- forward with plugin --->E[Upstream];
        B[Developer 1] -- publish ---> A;
        C[Developer 2] -- publish ---> A;
        D[Developer 3] -- publish ---> A;

Simplify package distribution

Automatically forward packages to multiple upstream registries.

graph BT
    A[Bytesafe registry];
    B[Developer 1] -- publish ---> A;
    C[Developer 2] -- publish ---> A;
    D[Developer 3] -- publish ---> A;
    A -- forward with plugin ---> F[Upstream 1];
    A -- forward with plugin ---> G[Upstream 2];