Registry CLI commands

Manage registries in your workspace using Bytesafe CLI

Registry commands

Registry commands are used to list available registries for a workspace, creating new registries, cloning existing registry etc.

List registries

Use the registry list command to list available registries for a workspace.

$ bytesafe registry list

Create new registry

Use registry create command followed by desired name for the new registry.

$ bytesafe registry create {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE}

Created registry: 'registry-example'

Clone registry

Use registry clone command followed by source registry and name of new registry to clone a registry source into a new destination.

$ bytesafe registry clone {EXAMPLE} {TARGET}

Cloned registry: 'example' into 'target'

Add description to new registry

To set description for registry while creating or cloning a registry, add description flag (-d or --description).

$ bytesafe registry create -d {DESCRIPTION} {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE}

Created registry: 'registry-example'

Remove registry

Use registry remove (or rm for short) command followed by registry to remove a registry.

$ bytesafe registry remove {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE}

Do you want to remove the registry 'registry-example' (and all stored packages) yes/no? yes

Removed registry: 'example'

Rename registry or update description

Use registry rename command to rename registry.

$ bytesafe registry rename {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE} {NEW-EXAMPLE}

Renamed registry: 'registry-example'. New registry name: 'new-example'

Registry descriptions can also be updated using the registry rename command. To update registry description use the -d flag and set both new and old name to existing registry that require update.

$ bytesafe registry rename -d '{new description for registry}' {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE} {REGISTRY-EXAMPLE}

Renamed registry: 'example'. New registry name: 'example'